Final Presentation

Friday, January 29, 2010

Science and Technology

The topic of science and technology interests me because the world would be impossible without all the advancements that have been made in this field. Our lives have become so dependent on cell phones, Ipods, computers and T.Vs, but we never take the time to think where all this came from. I think researching this topic would give me a sense of why we are where we are today. One hundred years ago an Ipod meant nothing to Americans. Now, it has become the center of many Americans lives. Not only do I want to find out how Ipods and all this kind of technology was created, but I want to learn what Americans from the 19th century's "Ipod" was. The United States has become a country of progression. We have gone from telegraphs to cellular telephones thanks to all the technological advances the science field has made. It would be intriguing to also discover how science and technology impacts other topics in history. For examples, I read the other day that when Thomas Edison created the first power plant, factories across the town were able to have electricity which in turn helped to overall improve the workplace. When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, communication improved all throughout the country. Due to this, people were living longer because they could get quick help when emergencies struck. Science and Technology offers many positive outcomes but it can also offer negative outcomes which are evident nowadays. Technology has taken over many lives in the sense that people have become so reliant on it. Without technology, I am not sure how successful America would be. We could not even being doing this project today.

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