Final Presentation

Monday, February 22, 2010

My Blog Log's Final Presentation

I wanted to watch this presentation because I am very interested in the environment. At home, I recycle and make efforts to reduce the waste I consume. I even make sure my family members do the same when they put something in the garbage that could have been recycled. Seeing the images at the beginning of this presentation caught my attention. I was disgusted at how dirty our world has become because often those images are hidden to the public. American citizens do not want to admit that it is their fault that their country and even the world is being destroyed. I never knew that over 100 pesticide ingredients are the cause of birth defects. It upsets that me something as little throwing a wrapper out of the car window is causing children to have disorders and illnesses for possibly the rest of their lives. If they could have just upheld the urge to litter, an individual’s life could have been different. If individuals also recycled an extra aluminum can that they would have otherwise thrown out, enough energy would be saved that could generate a television for three hours. If individuals recycled glass products, air pollution would be reduced by 20% and water pollution would be reduced by 50%. It seems almost amazing to me that others would not do this. It’s not difficult to place an object in the recycling bin. They are not even the ones who have to drive the truck that takes the waste to the factories or handle it in any way. It is just an act of laziness that many American citizens are a victim of. I liked how this presentation added a note in at the end which blamed Americans personalities as the reason why there is such a large environmental crisis in the world. This reminded me of my own topic Science and Technology. Americans have become obsessed with technology that mainly is harmful to the environment, but they do not care because it makes their lives easier. On the contrary, computers have saved an abundance of paper which could have otherwise harmed the environment. Instead of writing letters, emails save paper and the gas used up by the delivery truck. At the end of the presentation, other ways were listed that showed what individuals can do to save the environment. I have heard of “reduce, reuse, recycle” in elementary school, but hearing about it again today helped me to see its overall benefits. This presentation was eye-opening. I enjoyed its different layout and use of visuals.

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